This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Female-Doctors-683x1024.jpgGynaecologists play an important role in the life of women. It is advised to start seeing a gynaecologist in Melbourne at the age of thirteen to fifteen. This is essential for a number of reasons. When you start paying visits to a gynaecologist at an early age, it helps you in developing a relationship with them.

Once you are comfortable with your doctor, you will not feel shy in asking questions that you may not feel comfortable in asking to anyone else. These can be regarding your menstrual health or unusual changes in your hormones, something related to your sexual activities or literally anything.

You may want to visit your gynecologist at least once a year for regular check-up and screening or if you require a hysterectomy procedures in Melbourne and anytime when you feel like there are symptoms about which your doctor should know.  There is a list of events that may occur in your life when you should go see a gynecologist. Here, we will share some of the most important times when not going to a doctor might be dangerous or at least not in the favor of your health:

  1. Unusual Periods:

You need to be fully aware about how your menstrual cycle works. For the first year or two you might get irregular periods, depending upon how your body functions which by the way only your gynaecologist can be sure of. Although, if this continues you definitely need to talk about it and find out what’s wrong. Furthermore, if you are not getting you periods for more than three months straight, you should probably stop waiting and go see your doctor as soon as you can. Sometimes unusual periods may be a sign that endometriosis treatment across Melbourne might be required.

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Vaginal Issues:

There are various problems related to vagina, from unusual bleeding to having extra discharge that has a weird colour and smell to feeling itchy around that area. Whatever it is, it can have serious implications that can be an infection or a serious disease that needs to be treated. In any of the cases, it is very important that you go see your gynaecologist and talk to them about it in detail. Make sure that you do not hide anything from them and for this; you need to build a trust relationship with them.

  • Having Sex For The First Time:

You may not feel that it is necessary but it is always a good option to go and talk to the best gynaecologist in Melbourne after having sex for the first time. Whatever it is; oral, anal or vaginal. It is essential that you are cautious and careful. Preferably, you should also go beforehand to have a proper knowledge of protection and contraceptives. Also, if you feel anything unusual after having sex (even if it is not your first time) you should consult with a doctor laparoscopic surgery for endometriosis Melbourne.

Having Sexually Transmitted diseases and many other issues relating to breasts and vagina are becoming very common. It is therefore significant that you have a complete knowledge of your body and a relationship with your specialist gynaecologist Werribee in which you can feel comfortable in sharing things about your personal life, because only they know what is best for us.

Dianne Brewer