A Paediatric Chiropractor Melbourne is a chiropractic physician who specialises in treating the neuromusculoskeletal system and the nervous system of the patients. Chiropractic is an effective approach to treating back pain and other musculoskeletal conditions as well as issues with the spine and the nervous system. Chiropractic also provides therapies to help patients with their range of disorders and diseases of the musculoskeletal system and the spinal cord. This includes treating patients with neuromuscular issues like chronic headaches, neck pain, jaw pain, sciatica, and much more. 

What does a Chiropractor do?

The spine is the vital connection between the brain and the body, and a Paediatric Chiropractor will often refer their patients to a chiropractor to help strengthen the spine so that it supports and aligns the spine properly. Spinal manipulation or adjustments, as they are commonly called, is a common treatment component used by a chiropractor to treat conditions like herniated discs, degenerated disc, facet joint dysfunction, spondylolisthesis, and subluxation. These conditions can cause movement restriction in the spinal cord, disrupting blood flow, oxygen flow and energy distribution throughout the body. A Paediatric Chiropractor can realign the spine of their patients to prevent further deterioration and allow them greater mobility. 

Why do I need a Paediatric Chiropractor?

A Paediatric Chiropractor will also frequently treat newborns and infants that are born with birth defects or other complications related to the spine. For example, some birth defects result in a loss of muscle control, balance and coordination of the upper body and face of the child. These conditions are often a result of misaligned bones, muscles, ligaments and soft tissues that support the spinal cord. A chiropractor can realign these tissues and encourage the growth of stronger and healthier tissue to promote normal movement and function. These benefits of chiropractic care extend beyond infancy and into childhood, where many of these same conditions occur. 

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Chiropractors will also commonly treat younger patients who have sprains and strains. Often the underlying cause of these injuries is improper mechanics in the trunk. As children grow, their body responds by increasing its resistance to injury, causing greater stress on the spinal cord and musculoskeletal system. As this occurs, neural pathways between the brain and spinal cord become imbalanced and cause neurological dysfunction including attention deficit disorder, hyperactivity, irritability and depression. A qualified Paediatric Chiropractor can realign spinal cords, reduces inflammation and encourage proper muscle and bone growth through spinal adjustments and exercises. 

When a healthy baby is born, her spine is normally clear and flexible, but as the child grows, the spine can start to form abnormally, creating problems like spasticity, drooping and joint or ligament laxity. Paediatric Chiropractic care can realign the spine and encourage proper joint and muscle function, so the spine does not become overly stressed and cause future health complications. 

The practice of chiropractic has become mainstream, so many people regularly engage in chiropractic care into adulthood. Many Australians now use chiropractic services for wellness treatment, including physical therapy, stress management, pain relief, posture correction, sports injury prevention and the treatment of common illnesses such as colds and the flu. A qualified Paediatric Chiropractor knows that treating problems with the spine, which is usually the most difficult part of the body to correct, can have long-term benefits for the child.

Dianne Brewer